Industry Track
Paper Submission is Closed!
The 2023 IEEE GreenTech, Sustainability, & Net Zero Practices Symposium (2023 GTSNZ) opens the call for academics to participate in its first edition by submitting articles/papers/reports/case studies including information about the rationale, technologies used, government, industry, and institutional collaborations on Sustainability, Green Technologies and NetZero Practices.
Authors are also encouraged to mention the use of ISO 14000, ISO 50001, Green Mark Building Standards, or equivalent in the campuses/institutions.
Authors shall choose a primary topic area when submitting their article/paper/report/case study. Other topics that fall within the scope of the 2023 GTSNZ are also welcome.
- Air & Liquid Pollution Management
- Energy Management
- Solid Waste Management
- Water Management
- Carbon Footprint
- Carbon Trading, Carbon Tax, Carbon Neutralization/Offset
- Circular Economy
- NetZero Policies & Practices
- Sustainability & Sustainability Assessment
- GreenTech Entrepreneurship
- Sustainable Industry Practices
- Sanitation Management
- Global Net Zero Policies
- Governmental Regulations
- Climate Resilience
- Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)
- Green Transportation
- Clean Energy
- Clean and Decarbonization Technologies
- Energy Transformation
- Energy Transition
- Smart Cities and Green Buildings
- Green Financing & Funding
Types of Submissions
Case studies, Reports, and Articles on Patents, Startups, Community Services, Industry Collaborations, Government Collaborations, and International Collaborations.
It is highly recommended to include the latest data for the period 2018-2022 on NetZero Practices in the Case studies, Reports, and Articles.
Authors are encouraged share novel perspectives within the general scope of the symposium.
Important Dates
Submissions Due Date
Acceptance Notification
Camera-ready Submission
Symposium Date
Preparation and Submission Guidelines for Industry Track
Maximum of 6 pages maximum (2 additional pages allowed but at an extra charge in the final submission), according to the following guidelines:
- Set page margins to 1 inch (2.54 cm) on all sides.
- Single-space all text, including headings.
- Use an accessible font (e.g., Times New Roman 12pt., Arial 11pt., or Georgia 11pt.).
- Add a running head (page header) including the Title (to the left) and the page number (to the left).
- Bold and centralize the Heading(s) 1.
- Begin with the introduction and indent the first line of the paragraph. Indent the first line of every paragraph 0.5 inches.